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The Journey of Life: From Curious Babies to Independent Thinkers

Mary Scott
October 17, 2023

I salute the little people we once were:

Recently, while waiting for a friend, I had the opportunity to observe a young child and his caregiver.

The scene unfolded with the child crawling on the footpath and eventually venturing into a garden bed.

The boy's exploration involved picking up large chunks of dirt, which, unsurprisingly, found their way into his curious mouth for tasting and testing.

As expected, the caregiver's reaction was immediate and instinctual—a gasp followed by a swift intervention to remove the child from the garden.

The little boy, however, was not pleased. He cried loudly, for he was on a mission to explore, and his adventure had been abruptly interrupted.

This simple incident made me contemplate the early introduction of discipline in our lives and the stark differences in how it is applied.

It also triggered a broader reflection on the journey of human development and how we navigate the path from curious infants to independent thinkers.

Have you ever noticed the sheer excitement that fills the air when a friend or relative announces the birth of their child?

Every tiny development and growth spurt is celebrated with enthusiasm and joy. Coupled with hundreds of photos to witness their entire growth process.

It's a testament to our fascination with the process of human development, which begins with incredible curiosity.

From the moment we are born, our senses are on high alert.

Our eyes help us connect with the world around us, drawing us to light, color, and sound.

Our ears allow us to listen, our tongue to taste and test, our arms to reach for what we desire or push away what we don't want, and our legs to kick with excitement or frustration.

The choices we make during these formative months and years are astounding.

We are born utterly dependent on our caregivers—or are we?

We quickly learn to roll over, crawl, and pull ourselves up to stand on two feet.

Our boundless curiosity is palpable as we explore and discover new objects, even something as simple as a source of light can fill us with wonder and laughter. And yes, we put everything in our mouths to understand and feel it, often to the horror of our caregivers.

Our milestones, whether it's the first time we roll over or the day we take our first steps, are met with applause and celebrations. Our first birthdays are marked with cakes adorned with symbols of our early loves, whether animals or favorite toys.

We enter the world of sports or creative pursuits based on our choices or the guidance of our caregivers. We learn about teamwork and individuality, popularity and solitude, and we celebrate our early education milestones, eagerly looking forward to the next stage of our lives.

During these early years, we observe our role models, absorbing values and morals.

We learn about communication, love, win-win situations, discernment, fairness, equality, and what is morally right.

It is during this period that we build the foundation of our beliefs and principles.

But what happens when we venture out into the wider world?

Suddenly, we're on our own, and the cheer squad that once surrounded us is gone.

One moment, everyone was cheering us on, and the next, they seem distant or disinterested.

This transition can be jarring, leaving us to ponder the change in dynamics.

It is my belief that it is a fundamental right to choose our own cheer squad and determine the form it takes.

We all have the right to our opinions and the right to be heard.

We have the right to follow the beat of our own drum and make choices in our actions and words. We deserve to be celebrated and applauded, even when we are navigating the world on our own, forging our own path.

Fundamentally, we all deserve the right to belong and to be loved.

Each of us has the capacity for growth and self-discovery, and we should celebrate our uniqueness.

It's in this celebration that we find our true purpose and meaning in life.

As we journey from curious infants to independent thinkers, let us remember the importance of celebrating every stage of life and cherishing the right to make choices that align with our values and principles.

In the end, it is our unique journey that defines us, and our ability to choose our own cheer squad that keeps us moving forward with purpose and love.
